My goal is to make a scene creator of every animations Krinkels has made
Except for:
Trick bangbang something something (forgot the name)(Also cause it's nasty)
Maybe not Leisurely Ragtime (Reason maybe, cause i have the sprites just not the background, i might have to make it)
Marsh mellow madness (don't have sprites)
30 Seconds of rock (i have no sprites of it)
Thats pretty much it
the animations that aren't up there, thats the ones im going to make
- XxJ0K3RxX10
so basically you're doing the normal series (unless you do tricky madness 2) cool!
when you're done making madness SC what are you gonna do tho? wait for Krinkels future work or what(just wondering:)
Yes, and also yes to tricky madness 2
And im just going to make em like one by one
no im not going to wait for his furture work
- XxJ0K3RxX10