I used to make stuff. Now i just work and sleep. I come back here every now and then, usually once or twice a year. Also i just play games and masturbate now. Anyway love u guys, full homo <3 Oh and excuse the username, made it when i was a little ass kid

Age 28, Male

Making stuff

Sky High


Joined on 1/2/10

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XxJ0K3RxX10's News

Posted by XxJ0K3RxX10 - July 25th, 2012

Before I leave
If you have a youtube account or anything (facebook, twitter, etc)
Please subscribe to me (or follow, like, etc)
It's all in the link section
Thanks, leaving at 5:00
It's 4:15 right now :'(
I'll miss you guys
(I wonder why I make it sound like I'm leaving forever?)


~ XxJ0K3RxX10


Posted by XxJ0K3RxX10 - July 24th, 2012

I'm on my way to California
You won't hear from me in a while
But I promise you
When I get back
Madness 7.5 SC is going to be finish

I will be taking my phone
So here is some links to know how it's going
Facebook: FB Page
If you want to follow me, or go to my Tumblr
It's in the link section
Bye guys

~ XxJ0K3RxX10

Posted by XxJ0K3RxX10 - July 21st, 2012

Well, I was working on Madness 7.5 SC
But my dad calls me, my brother, and my sister
This is what he says
"Okay, we are leaving early, cause I have to go to Florida when we come back (for his job)."
So I was like (well, we all said) "Okay"
I told my dad if I can bring the Laptop (so I can finish the SC)
He was like, "Well, I want this to be a family vacation, where we can all have fun" (in other words, no)
So here is the way it's gonna go down
The SC may not come out until next month
Now don't go like, "Ugghhhh, we have to wait a long time, again)
Well, not exactly
The SC is almost done, I just need to add the codes to each sprite, and copy and paste them like 20 times (so there will be 20 sprites of each)
After that, I'm done
That's the update


Which SC should I do next (in other words, for madness day)


~ XxJ0K3RxX10

Posted by XxJ0K3RxX10 - July 18th, 2012

Ok, so we are going to California next month
So here is the plan
Since Macromedia closed out on me
That means I have to do the things it did not save
So when I'm done
It'll probably be out by the 28th or earlier
I don't know
But yea
A update

Tell me what you guys want for Madness Day


~ XxJ0K3RxX10

Posted by XxJ0K3RxX10 - July 15th, 2012

I was almost fucking done with the scene creator
Next thing you know
Macromedia has stopped working
Thats fucking bullshit
Now I have to restart
Not from the beginning
Just half of it is gone
Now I have to add the other sprites again
And paste the codes to each of them again
Ain't that a shit load of fuck!

Posted by XxJ0K3RxX10 - July 13th, 2012

So you know how someone broke in to my house
We think we know who did it!
My sisters friend, Sarah, said she heard a couple of guys saying how they broked into a house and stoled an Xbox, Wii, and a laptop
Could this be the guys who broked into my house


~ XxJ0K3RxX10

Posted by XxJ0K3RxX10 - July 11th, 2012

Ok so
We are all done packing
So that means I'm starting on the scene creator layout for Madness Combat 7.5 sc
So yea


~ XxJ0K3RxX10

Posted by XxJ0K3RxX10 - July 9th, 2012

So here is an update
I have the Madness Combat 7.5 sprites
So im sure that would come out first
Im already done with the loading screen
So yea


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~ XxJ0K3RxX10

Posted by XxJ0K3RxX10 - July 7th, 2012

Okay, so
You guys now know that I'm going to California in August
So that means
I may not post updates here
I may post them in Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr
So yea
An update


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~ XxJ0K3RxX10

Posted by XxJ0K3RxX10 - July 6th, 2012

Ok, my family decided to plan a vacation to California in August
I will try to take my laptop to make some updates
And about the Madness: Project Nexus SC
I need someone to send me a link to them
Don't send me a link to the Nez Tech one
Cause that one only works with Cs4


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~ XxJ0K3RxX10